Best practices for Tour
DO make tours opt-in
Asking users if they want guidance results in much higher engagement compared to forcing tours upon them, and can be offered through checklists, announcements, or help centers.
DO keep tours concise and focused
Avoid lengthy 16-step tours covering every button in the app; instead, create short, targeted experiences that users can complete quickly.
DO make steps actionable
Connect tour steps to real in-app actions, encouraging users to complete specific tasks or enter real information during the tour.
DO create a relaunch hub
Build a central place where users can access specific tours along with other help content when they're ready to engage with it.
DO consider using hints as alternatives
Product hints are less obtrusive than full tours, using subtle animations to draw attention without disrupting workflow, and can be completed in any order.
DON'T create tours without escape options
Always make tours dismissible since users may change their mind or the tour might not be relevant to their current task.
DON'T point out the obvious
Avoid tooltips that simply label UI elements with their names ("This is the dashboard link!") as they provide no valuable information and frustrate users.
DON'T force tours on users without context
Unexpected tours that appear when users are trying to accomplish specific tasks create frustration and result in negative experiences.
DON'T create tours for simple UI changes
Use less intrusive hints instead of full tours for minor updates or small feature improvements to avoid disrupting the user experience.